How to make Recyclerview + Share option + Clipboard Manager in Android Studio (Koltin) : Hello guys, Welcome back to Coding Junction. In this article, we will talk about recyclerview adapter and implicit intent type share option and If I have time then we will discuss the clipboard manager otherwise we cover it in the next article. Our application will look like this : Edit the activity_main.xml Now, we will add the recyclerview in the layout file. Recyclerview is an advanced form of the listview. Nowadays we are using recyclerview for better customize and for the better user interface. First, add the recylerview in the libraries, then write the below codes in your activity_main.xml file. Remark that you want to remove the default layout from the XML file. activity_main.xml 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 < android:id= "@+id/recyclerview" xmlns:android= "
Coding Juction is a website for android programming. Here we are sharing some intersecting project of application, which we have developed in the android studio. Also, we share about earning tips from the application.