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Top 5 Alternative of AdMob to Monetize Your Android App

Google's AdMob is a platform, where we can monetize our Mobile Application(Android and IOS). Google's Admob is definitely the large and most popular ad network for monetizing the android and IOS application. Also, it is very easy to integrate the AdMob ad into Android Studio. But sometimes due to invalid activity, the AdMob account is suspended, In that case, you can use a different ad network. Also if you want to try something new, you can use another ad networks.

In this blog post, I have written other popular ad network for Mobile Application."Top 5 Alternative of AdMob to Monetize Your Android App".There are many popular Ad Network, which pays well, also you can use this Ad network, for trial purposes.

Here are Top 5 Alternative of AdMob to Monetize Your Android App:

1.Facebook Business

Facebook is a very famous company. It generally popular for its social media products(Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram). But nowadays Facebook is expanding there business in many software products. facebook giving their ad services to the website and mobile application. Now you can monetize your mobile application(android and ios) from facebook ads. You can create different ad format in Facebook ad network aka facebook business. But before creating ads on Facebook, you want to have an account in any of app store(play store or ios store).

2.Amazon Mobile Ad

 Amazon is famous for its e-commerce website and Alexa. Amazon is now growing there business to the app store, fire os etc. Also, they are serving ads to a different platform(android, ios, and fire). You get paid on ad impression instead of the ad on click by anyone. So, Amazon is offering more CPM then google. You can try amazon mobile ad and earn more money.

3.Yahoo Developer Network

Yahoo is the biggest search engine before Google. But time change, we all know very well. Now Yahoo is trying another business in the IT sector. Yahoo ads are very simple to integrate and they pay well. You can use Yahoo ads on any platform. They give decent CTR in the mobile application.

4.MoPub Publishers

MoPub is a new name for you. But if I say, this is a Twitter product, you can easily recognize mopub.In mopub, you can use different ad format. Also, the mopub is very trust company. You can get the highest CPM in mopub. You can try this ad network in any of the platforms. Just sign in and make an ad and then integrate into your mobile application.

5.Unity Ads

Unity is the best platform for making 3d games. You can create games, also you can play different types of game in unity. Unity generally provides ads for games. It is having only one ad format, which is video ads. You can also try it for the application. Unity pay for an ad impression, not for ad click.


You can try any ad network. But once again, As a developer, I will suggest you that, focus on developing the best application, don't focus on the ad network. At last, thank you for reading this blog post. stay connect with our blog. Thank You.


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